these shoes are made for spinning

8 Jun

Shimano Spin ShoesSo, I turned 23 on Sunday, and there were two things I really, really wanted. The first being a new pair of cycling shoes. I don’t even ride outdoors; it’s for my indoor spin class. My first pair was cheap, and the shoes weighed at least four pounds each. They were stiff, and quite frankly, they were ugly. I go to spin class at least three times a week, so I wanted to make the most of it.

I finally went to Performance Cycle and found a really comfortable (and CUTE) pair of Shimano SPDs. It even comes with a ratchet to make the shoes have a more customized fit. I tried them out in spin class on Monday, and they were rockin’! I liked it because I actually felt the pedals go around, whereas with my old pair, I felt as if I was lifting, pushing, pulling, etc. my shoes.

Needless to say, I’m in love…with a pair of shoes………..spinning shoes.

stand up on your feet, put your worry down

13 May

Fantasy BaseballThis year, I was invited to be a part of a fantasy baseball league. As much as I’ve teased people before about being in fantasy leagues, I was really intrigued. I decided to join to just see what it’s all about. There’s only seven of us in the league, so the draft was rather painless.

I, of course, picked a lot of guys from the Atlanta Braves — Martin Prado, Matt Diaz, Omar Infante, Jason Heyward, Tim Hudson, Kris Medlen, Billy Wagner and Takashi Saito. This is probably a huge mistake to choose so many guys from the same team. However, I’m sticking with them for a while. I’ve also got some guys who aren’t hot hitters at the beginning of the season, but I’m pretty optimistic about what they can accomplish after the all-star break (i.e. Mark Teixeira).

We’re about 1/4 of the way through the season, so I’m still trying to figure out if my moves have been good. I just added Austin Kearns to my roster. I had to give up Jarrod Saltalamacchia, my back-up catcher, because he was on the 15-day DL and has been DTD since then. That’s the scariest thing — you may have really strong players, but you never know when they can get hurt (why I didn’t draft Chipper). The J-Hey kid has been out a few times with various minor injuries, which can totally screw your points up.

Otherwise, it’s been a fun experience. I’m the only girl in the league, so the boys probably figured none of them would have to be last. But this morning, I’m in fourth place! This is the highest I’ve been in the standings since we started, and I’m really proud of myself. I’m actually enjoying it, and I think I like it because I get the chance to (over)analyze the statistics. It’s such a nerdy way to enjoy sports, but I’ll take it.

Fantasy baseball aside — LET’S GO BRAVES!

we’re born again, there’s new grass on the field

4 Apr

A year ago, when I first started this blog, I used up an entire entry to talk about baseball season. (here)

Well, it’s that time of year again…when I completely dismiss all of the disappointments from the previous season, and I truly believe that the Braves have a chance to win the big one. We got rid of or traded some good players but mostly the bad seeds (good riddance, Manny Acosta). We got some glass-shattering players…no, seriously, Jason Heyward busted some windshields in spring training. And Timmy Hudson is back to damn near 100 percent.

Bobby CoxNot to mention, this is Bobby Cox’s last year as manager. I think he deserves some sort of post-season opportunity to finish his career on a high note. Both John Smoltz and Tom Glavine will be back, but as analysts and serving a special role for the Atlanta Braves.

I’m not going to sit here and pretend that it’ll be the best season the Braves will ever have, but I’m hopeful that they can make it work with what they’re given. The NL East…well, the Phillies, at least, are looking strong. They got Roy Halladay, although that was a big gamble. Cliff Lee was a huge asset for their team, so I’m kind of baffled that they would trade him to the Mariners.

GonzoI’m surely going to miss Mike Gonzalez. I always looked forward to seeing him rocking back and forth and throwing strikes and usually closing out the game. Rafael Soriano is also now playing for a different organization. He was phenomenal for the Braves.

But despite my upsets with some of the decisions Frank Wren has made in the off season, I’m excited about this upcoming season. The Braves know what they need to do, so I’m sure advice from me won’t really do much good…but that probably won’t hold me back from expressing my opinion!

The home opener is tomorrow, April 5. You better believe that I’ll be there! I’ve been working out my tomahawk chopping-arm, and I’ve finally gotten over my annoyance with the war chant (via the FSU/Ga Tech football game in Tallahassee, Fla., where the FSU band plays it every two minutes).

Go Braves!

(Off topic, I hope Butler dominates on Monday.)

all our mistakes are merely grist for the mill

28 Jan

“I hate cynicism; it’s my least favorite quality, and it doesn’t lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.” – Conan O’Brien.

Conan’s farewell speech on the Tonight Show was very heartfelt and very classy. He finished it with the above statement. He addressed it to his audience, but he especially directed it toward the younger viewers. It really does hit close to home.

A lot of my friends and peers are cynical, and it is very disappointing to be around that constantly. It is especially hard as a recent college graduate and new to the job market. Of course being a part of the “Me Generation” does not help. We were all raised to believe that we are the best, we deserve the best, and we do not settle unless it is the best. Being turned down by one job after another is a difficult beating to get, but something my peers may not learn is that they are doing the same thing over and over again, rather than learning from what they did wrong the first time.

They don’t pay attention to the little details, and they never think it is their fault…because it just isn’t, right?

A lot of my peers are very pessimistic…they say it’s being “realistic.” Is it? When you set yourself up for disappointment, you’ll get just that. When you apply for a new position, go into an interview or whatever it may be with the thought in your mind that you will not get it, then why bother? Your attitude going into the task is going to be negative, and you probably won’t get it. Somehow this makes you “right,” because you knew you weren’t going to get it, and you didn’t. How does that help?

Like Conan said, you have to work hard, be kind. Be kind to yourself and believe in yourself. If something doesn’t go your way, take that as a learning experience. Learning doesn’t end after you graduate from college; it is neverending.

it’s all part of a grander plan that is coming true

30 Dec

2009: One helluva year. It went by quickly, but it seemed like a lot happened. I’ve grown up, acquired a job, and learned to let go.

I graduated from Valdosta State a year ago, and the first six months at home were quite frantic. Everyday was spent searching and applying for jobs while working as a public relations freelancer for a small business consulting firm. The job was not exactly ideal, but it kept me busy for the most part. I spent my afternoons at the gym and more time looking for jobs. I had a few interviews, and with the job market the way it was, things didn’t seem like they would ever go my way.

My freelance position ended at the end of May, and I was convinced that I would spend the summer relaxing and attending Braves games. I was wrong; I received a job offer phone call the second week of June, and I knew it was the perfect position. I’m now a Web author in the office of public affairs at Georgia Gwinnett College.

I consider myself very fortunate considering the fact that most of my classmates that I graduated with are either not working in the PR field or are back in school. I’m doing something that is related to my major as well as my interests, and I love it!

2009 has also been beneficial for me. I’ve lost about 35-40 pounds (it fluctuates), and I feel a lot healthier than I did a year ago. I go to spin class three to four times a week, and it is incredible. I never thought I could ever do it, and it’s still a class many people fear. I love it. I love Life Time Fitness!

Something that still is tough on me everyday is learning to let go. There are people in my  life that I always wonder about, but I’m slowly learning to let them go. They’re toxic in my life, and I have better people in my life to love and adore…People that actually care all of the time.

2010…20-10? 0-10? 10? So strange. I’m excited about the opportunities that are still to come in 2010. I’m going to continue to work out, eat better and get healthier. My goal is another 30 pounds, which doesn’t seem like a lot, but if I surpass it, then great. I’m going to get better about letting go of negativity; I’m too optimistic to let things get in my way. I hope to increase my job duties at work and prove to everyone that I am capable of many things.

I hope you all have had a fantastic 2009, and I hope 2010 treats you even better. Happy new year!

don’t stop believin’, hold on to that feelin’

22 Nov

It seems so silly to be attached to something that is so materialistic. Yesterday, my parents traded in our 1994 “dusty rose” Lexus ES300 — aka the “purple Lexus.” It’s great because this is the first time my dad has bought a new car for himself in a 20+ years. He deserves a great car. I’m just heartbroken that the Lexus is no longer in our possession. I was probably six-years-old when we first bought it. It made many trips with my parents, my brothers and myself from Coral Springs, Fla. to Orlando and the other way around. When I turned 16-years-old, it became my car. My very first car.

I drove it everywhere my junior and senior years of high school. Listening to “Don’t Stop Believin'” on repeat with my windows and sunroof open. It came with me to college, and it was so reliable. The nights of fitting seven or more people in it..probably not the safest thing, but it worked. It was THE purple Lexus, after all. I only had it for a semester in college, but it sure does carry a lot of memories from that first semester.

So, 16 years later, it’s gone. My Valdosta State University license plate is still on the front of it. Remnants from a Milton High School parking pass can still be found. Breaking the news to my friends about the end of an era was just as tough. I got many sad replies, but all because we can still hear ourselves singing (terribly, I might add) “Don’t Stop Believin'” at the top of our lungs. It’s going to take a bit of adjusting when my dad comes home and I don’t hear squeeky brakes. I’m going to miss seing the purple Lexus in the driveway.

Here’s to you, purple Lexus. Thank you for always being reliable, but most importantly…thank you for the memories. I hope your next owner will create his/her own memories.

nightswimming deserves a quiet night

9 Jul

After the 4th of July celebrations Saturday, I drove home from Kelly’s and took a different route to avoid the traffic. Naturally, I got stuck in traffic with all of the other folks avoiding the traffic, so much for that. I drove past my old high school and was stopped at a red light. I looked around, and the streetlights and the Corner Deli brought back so many memories from high school — long walks back to my parking spot, celebration/disappointment walks back after football games, shooting stupid videos for class, getting kicked out of Coach’s class and heading to the Corner Deli, getting drenched in the rain, hearing the marching band on Friday mornings, etc.

Fast forward four years, and here I am. A lot more mature, a lot more knowledgeable. I attended a PRSA|GA luncheon today with my friend, Kay. I’ve attended luncheons before with my friends in Jacksonville with the NFPRSA group, but this time I attended as a “professional.” It was awesome to be able to explain what I do and why GGC is a great place to work. It was an even better feeling when people recognized the name from the news, the Web, etc. I also got to give a few pointers for social media techniques, and that was amazing.

I just love where my life is going. I’m glad I can go back and remember good things about my past, all of which have made me a more determined person today. I’m learning a lot in my new position, and I hope that I am doing an okay job. I’m working on a few pages for the Web site, so keep checking back to GGC‘s Web site for updated info! And follow us on Twitter: @georgiagwinnett, and fan us on Facebook!

Shout outs: Ms. Kay Hearn & my friends in Jacksonville with North Florida PRSA!

she believed she could, so she did.

3 Jul

I’m still adjusting to this “grown up” world. I wake up at 5:30 in the morning, hit the gym with the other early risers, get ready for work, hit up starbucks (sometimes), then head to work. I work at GGC during the day, and on some days, I head to the Loft for the closing shift. I just like to stay busy, and I think after six months of not doing much, people fail to realize that I can be a contributing member to society. I sleep better at night, and I just feel a lot better about myself.

I always knew that I was growing up, but it suddenly hit me last weekend. I was at my friend’s house after our friends got married. I was thinking about how things change so quickly. We have friends that are getting married, buying houses, and thinking about having children. Then I found myself thinking about buying a house; how I can get approved for a loan, build credit, etc. Who am I?

Anyway, work has been great. I haven’t done as much since they’re still getting my paperwork processed, but I love the people that I work with. Everyone in the Office of Public Affairs is different, but everyone works great together. I think it’s a great opportunity, and I’m doing what I love to do. Hopefully I’ll prove to everyone that I was the one they meant to hire!

By the way, I finally bought “Always Looking Up” by Michael J. Fox. Such an awesome book so far! I love optimism and optimists!

Mommy, wow! I’m a big kid now!

17 Jun

Well, I’ve got good news! Six months after I graduated college (almost exactly) I received good news from Georgia Gwinnett College, a place where I had interviewed more than four weeks ago. They offered me a position, and I gladly accepted. My first day is Wednesday, June 24. My position is called “web author,” and in the position, I will create and edit content that goes onto the school’s Web site. I’m really excited, because this is a great position for me. Also, there is a lot of room to grow within the public affairs office. I’ll have a pretty laid back schedule, I think, but you better believe I will be busting my butt to prove that they chose the right person.

I also have a part-time position at Ann Taylor Loft, one of my favorite clothing stores EVER. They’re also very accepting of my new schedule, and I will still be able to work there and get the benefits of working there…40 percent discounts!

I’ve also lost 30 pounds since January! Not exactly my goal, but it’s encouraging because I am getting there. I go to Life Time Fitness, and there is a location about five miles away from GGC, so it all works out. Thank you, God, for letting my life come together, finally. I just needed to learn patience, optimism, and humility. I am not the best at what I do, and I can’t expect people to make my life easy. I have to overcome the obstacles and remain positive and stay patient, because things will work out in the end.

I’ll be back in a few days to let you know how the “grown up” world is treating me.

so hard to stay, too hard to leave it

16 May

How do you know that it is time to just let go? I guess deep down in your heart you know, but just how do you do it? I think the biggest problem for me is the fact that everything that I have in my possession, whether it be material or in my memory, is something that has made me who I am today, even if it was a bad memory.

I think that’s why I have such a hard time letting go. My room is full of random “junk,” but everything reminds me of something. I have photos from middle school decorating my wall. I have an old pair of jeans that I used to love that I think I might wear again someday. I have a snowman lightbulb that my friend gave me as a gift my junior year of high school. I have a book of nursery rhymes that I used to read, which I have absolutely no use for now. I have a lego collection that I asked back from my little cousins because it reminded me so much of my childhood when my brother and me would play for hours.

See? It’s a serious problem. It’s not just items like that, but I guess there are people in my life that I just need to let go. I just have to come to the realization that certain people come in your life for a reason, but they can leave just as quickly as they entered. He was my best friend at one point, but in a sense, it was almost a comfort title. Were we really best friends? Or was it just convenient? I’m doing pretty dang good, if you ask me, without much effort on his part to be in my life. So why do I think about it so much? Probably because in the same sense as my “junk,” I’m afraid that if I throw things away, those good memories will forever be gone.

So maybe I need to figure out how to be less of a pack rat and get my life going in a positive direction. I need to make room for newer, better memories! I think I owe that to my mind and especially to my heart.